Nancy's Almost 20 Questions

What's the most overrated thing?

  1. Tomatoes
  2. Loud, jumpy and slobbery dogs
  3. "Strong" female lead characters that lack real depth and character development

What is your favorite movie?

Dream vacation spot?

Are you a warm weather or cold weather person?

Favorite type of cuisine?

Favorite animal?

Favorite font?

If money wasn't an issue, what is the first item you would get that isn't an essential item?

Dog or cat person?

What is your favorite way to relax or detox?

What is a TV show you currently recommend?

Favorite season?

What did you do for winter break?

What are your pet peeves ?

What is your favorite game to play?

What is your favorite book genre?

What is your favorite song by an artist you don't generally listen to?

Excluding any actual military figures from history, if you had a zombie army who would you make the general and why?

What is your food hot take?